Thursday, March 12, 2009

The past few days...again...

I've gotten a couple days behind on my posts again...

Today - This is an experiment I wanted to try based on a photo I saw (I cannot claim the idea as my own, but hopefully it'll help get my creative juices flowing!). I laid out one of Mario's wild-printed shirts on the floor, put some drinking glasses on top of the shirt, and placed a casserole dish on top of the glasses. I filled the casserole dish halfway with water and then drizzled some oil in the water. Focusing on the oil, here's the result! I'll have to try this again (or something similar, maybe) once I purchase the next item on my wish list: a macro lens...

Aperture priority setting, 28-135mm lens at 135mm: f/5.6, 1/4 sec, ISO 100

Wednesday, March 11 - I've decided that on days when I'm either totally uninspired to shoot or I've almost forgotten to take a photo for the day, I am going to take a picture of our dog, Max, wherever and in whatever state he may be. I wonder how many of these shots I'll have by the end of the year...

Auto setting: f/3.5, 1/60 sec, ISO 400

Tuesday, March 10 - Almost forgot about taking a photo today! Good thing Max was around...

Auto setting: f/3.2, 1/60 sec, ISO 400

1 comment:

  1. That first shot is cool! You are so creative with your shots. I just wander around the house looking for something halfway interesting.

    I am cracking up at Max. I see that he's relatively predictable! LOL
