I recently discovered a whole new world of photography I didn't know existed - TTV, or "through-the-viewfinder", photos. Basically, a photo is taken through the viewfinder of another camera, and some really interesting photos can be produced with this method. (Searching flickr for "ttv" will bring up a ga-ZILLION examples, if you're interested.) So I had to try it! I bid on an old Kodak Duaflex camera on ebay and paid a mere $11.60 for my Duaflex (and that included shipping!). I have yet to build the necessary light/reflection-blocking contraption, but I tried a shot tonight, covering the two cameras with a black cloth. This is a photo of the light fixture in our dining room, and I applied the "Urban Acid" action to the photo in Photoshop (downloaded from here: http://www.atncentral.com/download.htm#Urban_Acid) to give it the green tint. Mind you, this isn't the most exciting subject, but I was interested in the process tonight more than the subject... Once I make my light-blocking contraption, expect to see more of these from me!!
Aperture priority setting, 28-135mm lens at 135mm: f/11, 1.3 sec, ISO 100
Ooo Ooo! Fun! I love this effect and look forward to what inspires you. Run with this one!