Wednesday, January 13, 2010

4-H Ribbons

A little history about this photo:  I grew up in or outside small farming communities in northern Illinois most of my life, and a big thing in those areas was (is to this day, I suppose) 4-H.  There are 4-H clubs, and one of the big things is the 4-H Fair every summer where kids show livestock they've raised, vegetables they grew in a garden, crafts/drawings/paintings they made, etc.  Ribbons are awarded for the entries, and some kids then go on to compete in the State Fair.

I've been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing in the house the past few weeks, and I came across a box with all of my old 4-H ribbons in it - what a trip to see these again!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the big purple and gingham one! I thought it was SO big and pretty! Was it for the rabbit?
