Sunday, February 28, 2010

How long will this hiatus be?

Well, I figured it would happen, but I was hoping it wouldn't be this early in the year...  Everything seems to be coming to a head (classes and studying; taking care of the house, kids, dog, husband; part-time work; photography; etc., etc., etc.), and I can't seem to do any one thing as well as I would like.  It's time for me to "clean house", and for the moment, the daily photo has to go while I better prioritize the rest of my life.  Hopefully I'll find myself with time here and there when I have a chance to pick up my camera - I'll post photos then.  But at this point I don't know when that'll be...

(I would like to take a moment to thank Kristy Johnson for all the wonderful, supportive comments she's made about my photos since the beginning of the year...  Kristy, I always looked forward to seeing what you thought about each photo I posted, and your comments meant a lot to me.  Thank you!!)

1 comment:

  1. Anna, I really enjoy your shots! I hope you'll be in a place to get back to posting in the not-to-distant future! You do awesome work!
